The Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements
You've probably heard about Vitamin C - most of us have. It’s talked about a lot in commercials and wellness advertisements, and there seems to be no doubt at this point that it’s a vitamin that smart people take as part of a healthy diet. But what's the real tea on the C?
We thought we would check out the potential health benefits of Vitamin C for you, find out how it works in your body, and discover why it’s important to make sure we are getting the right amount of Vitamin C in our daily diet.

First up - what is Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is not something that our bodies produce naturally; therefore, to reap the benefits, we need to make sure we are ingesting it. This means we need to be eating the right foods in the right amounts every day to be able to get the Vitamin C we need to maintain beneficial levels.
Vitamin C is found in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs - lots of them are quite common and readily available at your local supermarket or greengrocer. There are a few foods that spring readily to mind when we think about Vitamin C, and oranges are probably the most obvious source. However, you can also find the essential goodness of Vitamin C in fresh fruit and vegetables such as broccoli, parsley, kiwifruit, spinach, papaya - or guava - if you're feeling a bit fancy!
There are lots of different opinions as to what is the healthiest dose for your daily intake of Vitamin C; we go with the daily recommendation for Vitamin C intake as their information is evidence-based. For women, the daily recommended intake is 75mg, and for men, it’s slightly higher at 90mg per day. You can go above the recommended dosage to a sensible degree without suffering any ill effects, but basically, you want to be hitting that point on a daily basis to give yourself a healthy baseline of Vitamin C.
How does Vitamin C help your body?
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which basically means it cleans your body and supports your immune system to fend off ills, chills, and bad bacteria that can cause poor health. Antioxidants work hard to protect all of your cells from the potentially harmful effects of free radicals, and when your body gets low on antioxidants and Vitamin C levels, it can fall prey to these free radicals - that's how sniffles and chills can sneak their way into your day.
Vitamin C, being such a prominent and easily obtainable antioxidant available on supermarket shelves, is a hugely popular choice to support your everyday health as a pre-emptive measure. Vitamin C is also useful for supporting recovery from ills and chills once they've already taken hold! It's no big secret that great rest, fluids and Vitamin C are an impressive fighting trio against unwanted visitors banging on the old immune system door.
Vitamin C is not just useful for warding off ills and chills it works for us in other ways - it’s a pretty powerful wellness tool. For instance, Vitamin C is essential in the repair and support of your teeth and bones - and for your eye health. As we get older, age-related macular degeneration occurs naturally, and Vitamin C can support the slowing down of cell damage in our eyes - protecting your cells for longer. When it’s as simple as chewing a delicious adult Vitamin C Gummy, it makes perfect sense to get on board the Vitamin C train, and while our Vitamin C intake is important when we are young, it becomes even more important as we get older.
Natural sources of Vitamin C
There are plenty of foods that serve as natural sources of Vitamin C, and as long as you remember to eat these foods regularly, you may find your Vitamin C intake is adequate. Sometimes it will become more difficult to source the fruits that are high in Vitamin C without paying exorbitant prices, so it pays to be prepared. As price hikes and supply issues often occur at the times when we tend to be more vulnerable to ills and chills, it can mean that when we really need it, we begin to lack Vitamin C in our diet.
Vitamin C Gummies - it’s a no-brainer.
If you want to make a positive change in your Vitamin C uptake it’s smart to rev up the vegetable intake - and that means more food prep. There are a few vegetables that are super helpful when it comes to getting that all-important dose of Vitamin C; for instance, you get a good amount when you eat broccoli, kale, capsicum, and brussel sprouts - we know how much you all love brussel sprouts :) If it feels like you just don’t have the time or energy to focus your diet choices when you are juggling work, kids, sports, and your essential social life, it’s all gravy - the Good Vitamin Co. has you covered.
Take it easy on yourself.
While you might think that you are going to be leaping out of bed at 6 am to make a smoothie with papaya, strawberries, guavas and kiwifruit. Honestly, you don’t need to be putting that kind of pressure on yourself. You also don’t need to worry if your dinner ends up being takeout, your lunch is a sandwich at your desk, or that healthy breakfast turns out to have blueberries - but in a muffin with chocolate! So long as you include some fruit and veg in your diet every day, you can relax about your Vitamin C intake when you pop your Vitamin C Supplement from the Good Vitamin Co.
Stay ahead of the game.
When life gets hectic or stressful, it becomes even more important to be sure you eat well; unfortunately, these are the times when all our best intentions around food and sleep tend to go out the window. We all need support to stay healthy, and these days we are lucky to have some great options to fortify our bodies that are affordable and convenient.
At The Good Vitamin Co, we've come up with a range of EASY solutions to stay on top of your health needs. Our Adult Vitamin C Gummies are delicious - and potent. Pop one of these chewy Vitamin C gummies in the morning to start the day right; you can even keep them next to your bed so you can start the day feeling the smug satisfaction of knowing you boosted your immune system before your feet hit the ground! Our customers rave about the taste and texture, and some of them have reported the urge to eat the whole bottle, so it’s definitely not a chore. Adding a Vitamin C Supplement adds some peace of mind to your day; you can keep them in your desk drawer, glove box, and in your handbag, so that wherever you are, you have access to the Vitamin C you need to hit that all-important daily recommended dose.
Our Vitamin C supplement delivers the C in the form of ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. Each Good Vitamin Co. Adult Vitamin C Gummy contains a whopping 1000mg of Vitamin C, and this is calibrated to smash your daily intake goals. These punchy Vitamin C supplements are so good, you will feel like you are eating a yummy treat - and we've got a range of Vitamin C supplements for the littlies - so you can protect yourself and your kids from Vitamin C deficiency all year round!
Can I eat foods that are Vitamin C rich while taking Vitamin C supplements?
Good news! You don't have to give up your delicious fruits and veggies while taking daily Vitamin C supplements from the Good Vitamin Co - in fact, we recommend that you always eat a well rounded, healthy diet containing a broad range of vitamins. It is very hard to overexpose yourself to Vitamin C so you can dig into your smoothie, soup, and salad - and enjoy your Adult Vitamin C Gummies.
What else is my Vit C doing?
Vitamin C has been found to be an effective way to aid your body to absorb and utilise the iron you are consuming, which is essential for keeping your energy levels up, especially for women who are menstruating. Some online articles talk about Vitamin C as supportive against heart disease, and others mention the possibility that there may be some benefits to the healthy function of the liver. Although these studies are not definitive, we already know that Vitamin C is a great way to boost our immunity, so if we reap a few other potential benefits, well, power to the Gummy, I say!
So, what's the takeaway on Vit C?
Vitamin C is vitally important for the maintenance of healthy cells, immune system defences, and overall wellness throughout the year. If you are concerned that you are not getting enough Vitamin C in your diet, or you are finding yourself reaching for the tissue box a little too often, then Vitamin C may make a noticeable difference in your day to day enjoyment of life. The Good Vitamin Co. Adult Vitamin C Gummies are an easy and convenient way to make sure your body is getting the best chance of warding off ills and chills, and help you to stop worrying about whether your diet is adequate.